It’s no surprise that the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM) is behind the ridiculous new billboards attacking cheese. The two new billboards, located near Albany, NY, show a man’s belly fat and a woman’s thigh fat with the respective captions “Your Abs on Cheese” and “Your Thighs on Cheese.” This stunt is just as pathetic as PCRM’s last attempt to scare people with PETA-like tactics.
PCRM’s name makes it sound like a legitimate group, but it lacks the credentials to back it up. Only 10 percent of PCRM’s members graduated from medical school, and not all of those that did graduate have degrees relevant to nutrition. As the Associated Press points out, the organization has a vegan agenda, but that’s due to the group’s stealth animal-rights agenda: PCRM has links to PETA (in more ways than stupid billboards), and its largest donor is a wealthy animal-rights activist. PCRM President Neal Barnard is a former science advisor for PETA and used to run The PETA Foundation (now the so-called Foundation to Support Animal Protection).
It’s pretty hard to take seriously an organization that suggests eating meat is “tantamount to suicide.” It is even harder not to laugh at a group whose president called cheese “dairy crack.” When even Comedy Central’s The Daily Show with John Stewart can’t resist mocking PCRM, perhaps it’s about time Barnard and company quit the charade and merged with PETA.