Make Your Own New York Subway Ad
By now you’ve probably heard of the latest round of food-fear ads from the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene. A little over a year after the public discovered that experts objected to the scientific validity of the city’s anti-soda advertisements, the City now implies that larger sodas and cheeseburgers are causing amputations, and people to ride obesity scooters. Take a look at these ads:
The ads ignore decades of research into the causes of obesity, choosing instead to confuse correlation with causation. In that spirit, we tried our hand at irrationally demonizing products with the horror of upward-sloping lines. Here’s what we came up with:
Now it’s your turn. We’ll let you demonize anything you want with the power of correlation and slogans with the Center for Consumer Freedom New York City Ad Generator. Visit our site here to try it out (the background image should be in portrait mode with an aspect ratio of 4:3).