Food & Beverage (page 187)

Caffeine Cops Keep Rollin’ Along…

Researcher Roland Griffiths’ ten-year crusade to demonize soft drink and coffee producers has resurfaced again with a new study of 24 soda drinkers. This time, he’s making accusations that soft…
Posted August 15, 2000 at 12:00 am

Let’s Hear It For The Lobster Lady!

Too often, SeaWeb and other nautical nannies generate scare headlines about vanishing seafood to bolster their calls for boycotts. But now, marine scientist Diane Cowan, aided by a veritable volunteer…
Posted August 11, 2000 at 12:00 am

Trees Dies For This?

In her new book “The Crazy Makers: How the Food Industry Is Destroying Our Brains,” syndicated radio show host and author Carol Simontacchi says today’s food is somehow responsible…
Posted August 10, 2000 at 12:00 am

Will Anything Make CSPI Happy?

Next week’s Newsweek makes no bones about the abundance of calcium being added to many common foods, a food-fad that was spurred in part by the Center for Science in the Public Interest’s on-going tirades over the years to add calcium to our diets. CSPI’s attacks on soda pop accuse the popular beverage of offsetting other calcium sources. But in an attempt to play both sides of the net, CSPI whines to Newsweek, “Everywhere you turn, it seems another food has added calcium.” Nobody told them to be careful what they wished for, either!
Posted August 9, 2000 at 12:00 am

Not As Funny As It Sounds

The Onion lampoons the idea of suing a food maker for causing obesity, an idea increasingly showing up in the media. However absurd it may sound, the case is made that suing companies for providing consumers products they choose to eat or drink is analogous to suing cigarette makers.
Posted August 4, 2000 at 12:00 am

Lurking In The Shadows

Near the end of a perfectly innocuous article about restaurant food safety, in pops anti-choice activist Sheldon Rampton to push the organic angle. Rampton has made a living by needlessly…
Posted August 3, 2000 at 12:00 am

Consumer Freedom Wins!

The SeaWeb and Natural Resources Defense Council’s “Give Swordfish A Break Campaign” is officially over. SeaWeb executive director Vikki Spruill said that in light of recent government actions, the…
Posted August 3, 2000 at 12:00 am

The Twinkie Made Me Eat It

Kelly Brownell, the father of the infamous "Twinkie Tax," says, "We can't look any longer at blaming individuals" for their obesity. Brownell says it's up to public health officials, following the tobacco model, to force Americans to change the way they eat. The first step, of course, says Brownell, is a "Twinkie Tax" on high-calorie foods.
Posted August 2, 2000 at 12:00 am

Something Incestuous Here

Organic marketer Whole Foods Market Inc. sponsors the "Keep Nature Natural Campaign," which uses junk science and scare tactics to demonize genetically improved food. The "Keep Nature Natural Campaign" is also supported by Chefs Collaborative and its president, celebrity chef Rick Bayless. Bayless teaches at the Culinary Institute of America, which is co-sponsoring a conference with Chefs Collaborative on "purchasing local, seasonal, and organic ingredients." In addition to its other local, seasonal, and organic items, Whole Foods sells Bayless' own line of food products at its stores. Hmmm….
Posted July 31, 2000 at 12:00 am

The Bottom Line Is Profit

Whole Foods Market, a supporter of the Keep Nature Natural campaign (which seeks to scare the public into rejecting genetically improved food), has begun to stock Cheerios and Jif…
Posted July 28, 2000 at 12:00 am