Uncategorized (page 52)

DC Protests: An Echo, Not A Shout!

Unlike their counterparts in Seattle last fall, Washington-area police maintained a strong upper hand against World Bank/IMF protesters. McDonald’s and Starbucks retained their windows and, aside from excessive litter…
Posted April 18, 2000 at 12:00 am

Government Intervention Program Getting Legs

As part of fulfilling what Agriculture Secretary Dan Glickman says is “the government’s role to guide Americans into adopting a healthier lifestyle,” the USDA has created a new web site…
Posted April 17, 2000 at 12:00 am

National Food Policy Conference Live On C-Span

The Consumer Federation of America's panel discussions on genetically engineered foods and media coverage of food safety issues features food industry reps squaring-off with activists. You can see today's afternoon session live on C-Span 2. Tomorrow's session is tentatively scheduled to air live on C-Span 2.
Posted April 17, 2000 at 12:00 am

Speaker Speaks Up For Our Fyture Food Supply

Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert is schedule to release a report today finding GE foods are safe to eat and no more dangerous in the field than traditional plants. "The Administration should work to ensure markets for products of agricultural biotechnology are not restricted by scientifically unsound measures," according to a summary of the report. "Much of the opposition to agricultural biotechnology is politically motivated, not scientifically based." (The White House Bulletin, "Hastert, Smith to Release Report Supporting Genetically Modified Foods," April 13.)
Posted April 14, 2000 at 12:00 am

Nannies Make Plans To Unify Movement

Global Exchange’s Kevin Danaher, speaking at an activist teach-in Friday morning, laid out plans for “institutionalizing solidarity” between nannies of all types in order to increase their political power.
Posted April 14, 2000 at 12:00 am

Vandana Shiva – Protest Diva

For fresh insight into the "nanny culture," check out these articles on India's leading critic of Western food companies and new agricultural technologies, Vandana Shiva. Shiva has been cast as a central figure in this weekend's protests of the World Bank/IMF in Washington, D.C. (Pro-Shiva article) (Anti-Shiva article)
Posted April 12, 2000 at 12:00 am

Don’t Let Science Get In The Way

The Wall Street Journal editorializes that there is a growing group of "environmental radicals and federal bureaucrats" who are determined not to "let a little thing like what science knows, or can know" get in the way of their goals to destroy products they don't approve of, like bio-engineered food.
Posted April 12, 2000 at 12:00 am

Elitist Chefs Criticized By Scientists

According to junk science expert Steve Milloy, celebrity chefs, led by nannies from the Chefs Collaborative 2000, are holding a press conference today at one of Philadelphia’s most expensive restaurants…
Posted April 11, 2000 at 12:00 am

The Anti-Choice Nannies Arrive In Washington DC

Activists protesting the practices of the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank have begun descending on Washington, D.C. Food and menu choices are at the heart of the protests. Saturday, the nannies had a rally where they put on a skit praising resistance to genetically modified foods. "No more World Bank, IMF, in our kitchen, in our front yards. Bring 'em down!" was the battle cry. Keep tuned here for intensive coverage of the protests through April 18th with our live "Protest Cam" and daily updates from the scene.
Posted April 10, 2000 at 12:00 am

Nannies Try Different Tactic – Shareholder Resolutions

Nannies have filed shareholder resolutions with seven corporations (McDonald's, General Mills, PepsiCo, Quaker Oats, Sara Lee, Proctor & Gamble, and Coca-Cola) urging the companies to stop using genetically engineered ingredients. As John Harrington, a board member of the anti-corporate nanny group Global Exchange, says, "We don't really expect these resolutions to pass, but they start to influence public attitudes."
Posted April 4, 2000 at 12:00 am